We’ve Got Worms!

We’ve Got Worms!

Last Saturday, the AGC|PTA organized a vermicompost (aka worm composting) bin building workshop in our garden.  Many thanks to master composter Nicole DelSasso for lending her expertise.  Vermicompost bins are easy to care for, take up just a little space in your home, and make a big impact on the amount of waste you send to the landfill.

It is estimated that 30% of a home’s garbage is organic material (ie vegetable and fruit peels, dryer lint, bread, rice, coffee grounds, etc…).  By composting it, fewer trucks need to haul the garbage to the landfill, less garbage is sitting in the alleys attracting pests, and you produce nutrient-rich soil to use with your indoor or outdoor plants.

Every classroom at AGC has a bin and now some of our families do, too!  Want to own your own worms? Here are directions on how to build a bin.

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